Community Service

Community service is increasing among photographic societies world wide. PSNWA volunteer efforts enable members to acquire skills and knowledge as well as provide a service to others that need it in some way. One of the most satisfying, fun, and productive ways to get to know other PSNWA members is through PSNWA community service projects.

Annual PSNWA Community Service Projects Including:

  • Help Portrait: Providing a family or individual memory to those in need who are not able to afford a portrait.
  • Holiday Food Drive: As we gather for our holiday dinner let us not for get those who struggle to provide a dinner to their family.
  • College Photography Supplies Scholarship: Studying to be a photographer can be expensive. The members of the Photographic Society of Northwest Arkansas would like to help a little with a photography supplies scholarship for University of Arkansas students enrolled in ARTS 3803 (Photo 1: Darkroom), ARTS 3813 (Photo 1: Digital) or ARTS 4833 (Large Format Photography).

It is a common mistake to think of volunteering as just something nice to do or questioning what impact does volunteering as a photographer really have? PSNWA Members help our neighborhoods through photography and photographic related activities. Volunteerism enriches the community. Without community service events what opportunities to grow, learn, and thrive as a community would be lost?

Please consider volunteering to help for these and other PSNWA community service projects as they happen throughout the year.