PSNWA Bylaws



Photographic Society of Northwest Arkansas 

Article I

Section 1: Name – The lawful name of this organization shall be known as:

Section 2: Abbreviation – The non-legal name and abbreviation shall be PSNWA
Section 3: Nickname – The organization may also be referred to as a non-legal common name of:

Section 3: Mission Statement
– Photographic Society of Northwest Arkansas is a Society promoting the education of photography as an Art and Science throughout Northwest Arkansas.


Article II

Section 1: General – This Society shall be a membership organization; individuals may enroll as society members. Membership is a privilege not a right, and any membership application may be rejected at the discretion of the Board of Directors, barring discrimination based upon an individual’s race, sex, creed or religion.

Society members must be in good standing with requirements of the bylaws and Board of Directors.

Section 2: Classes of Members
(a.) By meeting the requirements of bylaws and paying the dues prescribed by the Board of Directors:

  • Society members of PSNWA shall also consist of the members of the Board of Directors (the “Board”) and legacy founding members.

    (a.) Legacy founding members shall consist of the original founding board, (Patrick Ward, E. Rick Cash, John Baltz, Catherine Baltz, John Hamilton, Sarah Hamilton, Mark Abram, Nakole Neumier, Lucy Overstreet, and Michelle Ironside) who are currently in good standing with the bylaws and Board.

  • In addition to society members and legacy founding members, the Board may designate:
  1. Honorary Members are individuals who have rendered outstanding service to photography and who have been approved for this recognition by the Board of Directors.
  2. Honorary Fellows are individuals who have been set forth by the board and approved by simple majority of membership as having given or proved above normal in action, and are placed worthy of honored status.

(b.) Society members of PSNWA may also become “studio members” a membership level which offers use of regularly operated studio facilities, so that members may advance their education though studio lighting techniques. Studio membership depends upon the availability of facilities which PSNWA may from time to time may lease or own.


Article III


Section 1: General – Membership dues shall be established by the Board of Directors, in form of a directive.

Section 2: Payment of dues – Minimum stated dues shall become payable upon application for membership and thereafter based upon payment plans set forth by the Board of Directors. A member whose dues are not maintained by the set payment schedule shall be considered in not good standing. A person who is not in good standing is not entitled to hold elective or appointed office in this Society, or any operating unit or division of the Society.

Section 3: Arrears – A member whose dues shall remain unpaid more than one (1) month after the applicable anniversary date shall have the membership lapsed.

Section 4: Exceptions – No membership dues shall be required of legacy founding members, Honorary Members or Honorary Fellows of this Society.

Article IV

Section 1: Duties
(a.) Members shall have full privileges as established by these bylaws and State and Federal Laws, and along with Founding members shall maintain privileges in use of assets or property owned or leased by PSNWA.

(b.) All Society members in good standing will have a single vote in election of executive officers.

Section 2: Privileges
(a.) Individual Society members in good standing shall have the right to hold office and to access the society’s electronic presence, and shall have such privileges as may otherwise be established by the Board of Directors.

(b.) Founding Members in good standing shall have the rights of membership as Society Members.

Section 3: Relinquishment of claims – All rights, title and interest, whether legal or equitable, of a member in and to the property of this Society shall cease upon termination of membership for any reason.


Article V
Membership Meetings

Section 1: Transaction of Business – The official business of this Society may be transacted by mail or electronic media.

Section 2: Board Meetings – Board meetings are closed to individuals that are not members or Founding members. The Board of Directors Members may ask Society Members or the public to attend board meetings. Board meetings shall be held a minimum of one (1) per month and scheduled at least two (2) months prior to meeting time.

Section 3: Society Meetings – General Society meetings will be scheduled a minimum of six (6) months in advance by the Board of Directors and will be open to all levels of memberships.

Section 4: Special Meetings – Special Meetings of the membership may be held by mail or electronic media at dates and places designated by the Board of Directors.
Section 5: Bylaws and Incorporation – Changes to Bylaws or Articles of Incorporation may be recommended by the Board of Directors, documented by the Secretary/Treasurer, and ratified by a quorum of society members in general or special society meeting.
Section 6: Quorum
(a.) A Quorum of any general society meeting shall consist of not less than (30%) society members.

(b.) A Quorum of mail or email ballots for special meetings of the membership shall consist of not less than one-tenth (1/10) of the membership.

(c.) A Quorum of Board of Directors members shall consist of (7) members not including Founding Members.


Article VI

Officers, Board Members, Committees & Divisions

Section 1: General – This society shall select all officers by popular vote for one (1) term of two (2) years, however all officers shall continue in office until their successors qualify. The Chairperson and Executive Vice-Chairperson shall not be eligible to serve more than two (2) terms in the same office.

Section 2: Board Elections – Officers serve as the members of the Board of Directors, shall have all power and authority excluding the power to amend the Articles of Incorporation or changes to Bylaws; such changes must be ratified by a quorum of society members in general or special society meeting.

Section 3: Board of Directors – Officers of the society shall be a Chairperson, Executive Vice-Chairperson, Secretary/Treasurer, and Vice-Chairs for: Facility, Membership, Publications, Continuing Education, Programs, Competitions, Exhibitions, Development, Public Relations, and Parliamentarian. Additional chairperson positions may be created by the Board of Directors as best serve the continuing needs of the Society.

Section 4: Committees & Divisions-The Board of Directors may create committees or divisions as needed, such as fundraising, facility, community service, exhibits, and others as deemed necessary by the Board.

(a) All committee members or division leaders report directly to the Board position that the committee or division is organized under and are overseen by the Chairperson or the chairperson’s designee on the Board of Directors.

(b) The Board of Directors must ratify by simple majority division leaders (referred to as Division Director or Division Coordinator) appointed by the Chairperson or the chairperson’s designee on the Board of Directors.

Section 5: Paid Staff – Management and staff hired by the Board of Directors shall have the status of Society member, but are unable to place vote.

Section 6: Remuneration – No elected officer, division leader, committee member, or society member shall be compensated for serving the organization with the exception of reimbursement for necessary Travel or Society related expenses incurred for official business as pre-approved by the Board of Directors.

Section 7: Conduct
– All officers and officials of this Society shall conduct themselves and direct the affairs of society office in a manner consistent with the policies and procedures established in these Bylaws, and shall perform the duties specified therein.

Section 6. Duties of Officers

(a) The Executive Chairperson shall promote the general welfare of this Society, perform all duties customarily pertaining to the office, preside at meetings of this Society, its Board of Directors, and otherwise shall serve within the provisions of these Bylaws.

(b) The Executive Vice-Chairperson shall succeed the Executive Chairperson in the event the Executive Chairperson shall become unable to perform his or her duties, and shall otherwise perform the duties delegated by the Executive Chairperson, Board of Directors or these Bylaws.

(c) The Secretary/Treasurer shall perform the duties inherent in the office, and such other duties as may be delegated by the Executive Chairperson, Board of Directors, or these Bylaws. The Secretary/ Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping in permanent form the official minutes of the Board of Directors and Annual and Special Meetings of the Society Membership. Supervise the preparation of the annual Society budget, financial statements, supervise the annual inventory of the Society’s property, provide monthly financial statements to the Board of Directors, and when assembled, will serve as Chairperson of the Finance and Nominating Committees.

(e) The respective Vice-Chairpersons shall have the following duties, in addition to others that may be assigned to them by the Executive Chairperson or Board of Directors:

  1. The Facility Chairperson shall manage the activities and up keep of any facility rented or owned by the Society. The chair may oversee a committee that will handle all maintenance and utility issues, involving facilities. It shall also be the responsibility of the chair to manage facility bookings and requests for facility usage.
  2. The Membership Chairperson shall oversee the operations of recruitment, and ways to enhance the value of Society membership to old and new members. The chair is also responsible to provide reports of membership levels on a monthly and annual basis to the Board of Directors.
  3. The Publications Chairperson shall supervise adherence to established editorial policies of the Society’s communications, bulletins and recommend changes in these policies or to the editorial content and format as may best serve the needs of the Society.
  4. The Continuing Education Chairperson manages the educational services provided by the Society, including classes, workshops and other educational activities of the Society for membership and community service.
  5. The Programs Chairperson shall be the manager of quality for Special Events and Tours provided to Society members by the Society and its constituent parts, shall supervise the work of designated committees and divisions.
  6. The Competition Chairperson shall manage photographic competitions, including but not limited to the scheduling of competitions, rules governing competitions, and rewards.
  7. The Exhibitions Chairperson shall manage photographic exhibits placed regional or global in the name of the Society, and shall supervise the work of designated committees for the promotion of Society Exhibits.
  8. The Development Chairperson shall be the manager of acquiring all fund raising, and solicitations of any unearned finances or assets donated to the society. The chair is also responsible for community outreach and services.
  9. The Public Relations Chairperson shall provide recommendations for improving the Society’s public image and visibility.
  10. The Parliamentarian Chairperson will be familiar with Robert’s Rules of order as well as the bylaws of this society, and incorporation of this society. The parliamentarian will be the final source of disputed procedure.

Section 7. Duties of Officials – Officials, Division Leaders, Committee members, and staff of this Society, except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, shall perform such duties as may be delegated by the Chairperson or prescribed by the Board of Directors.

Section 8. Reports – All officers shall report to the Board of Directors at each regularly scheduled board meeting. Operations staff, and division leaders shall report to the Board of Directors as requested by the Board.

Section 9. Vacancies in Offices – Any office or position in this Society, other than that of Executive Chairperson, which for any reason shall become permanently or temporarily vacant, may be filled for the un-expired term in the case of a permanent vacancy, or for the duration of any temporary vacancy, by appointment by the Executive Chairperson with simple majority ratification by the Board of Directors.

Any vacancy occurring for any reason in the office of Executive Chairperson shall be filled by the Executive Vice-Chairperson for the un-expired term, or in the case of a temporary vacancy, for the duration of the temporary vacancy. If for any reason the Executive Vice-Chairperson cannot serve, the vacancy shall be filled by the Board of Directors by appointment of a member the board for the balance of the un-expired term.


Article VII

Section 1. General – The Board of Directors shall prescribe rules and regulations governing elections within this Society in accordance with democratic principles, Roberts Rules of Order in Plain English, and, in cases of contests or protests, shall render final decisions upon any such contest or protest.

(a) Officers elected on un-even numbered years shall consist of: Executive Chairperson, Publications, Exhibits, Facility, Competitions, and Parliamentarian.

(b) Officers elected on even numbered years shall consist of: Vice-Chairperson, Secretary/Treasurer, Membership, Programs, Continuing Education, Development, and Public Relations

Section 2. Year of Election – To assure continuity and an even flow of the process, approximately half the Board of Directors shall be elected each year at the November general meeting.

Section 3. Nominating Committee – To assure continuity a committee for the election of Board of Directors, a Nominating Committee of five (5) members, may be established by the Board of Directors. The Committee shall select its own Chairperson, and report to the Secretary/Treasurer.

Section 4. Procedure – At least three (3) months prior to the official election date, the Board of Directors or its Nominating Committee shall begin preparation an official slate of one or more candidates in good standing for each office. The Board or its Nominating Committee shall have obtained acceptance of candidacy and agreement to serve if elected from each candidate, and shall certify the slate of candidates to the Secretary/Treasurer who shall cause such slate of candidates to be published by mail, electronic media or in official bulletins of this Society prior to the election.

Section 5. Petition Nominations

(a) Members in good standing may submit a written petition nominating any eligible member for any elective office.

(b) All petitions, to be valid, must be accompanied by a statement in writing from each candidate indicating a willingness to accept office if elected, and shall have been submitted at least two (2) months in advance of the official election date. Petitions so submitted shall be certified to the Secretary/Treasurer who shall, in turn, cause the names of such candidates to be placed upon the official ballot for elections and give notification of names of such candidates for Officers to the Executive Chairperson.

Section 6. Uncontested Elections – In the absence of any nominations by petition, the Secretary/Treasurer of this Society shall cast the ballot of the entire membership for the official slate of candidates for Office as certified by the board or it’s Nominating Committee, and they shall be declared elected.

Section 7. Contested Elections

(a) Ballots – In the event of a contested election, the Elections Committee shall cause to be prepared and distributed to the Society members in attendance at the designated meeting an official ballot form upon which shall appear the names of all candidates, the offices for which they have been nominated, and instructions for use and return of the ballots. Candidates nominated by petition shall be so indicated.

(b) Voting – All members and Society members of this Society in good standing shall have the right to vote for all candidates for elective office. In the event that the number of valid ballots received is less than the Quorum, the Board of Directors shall make the final decision as provided by these Bylaws. Voting and ratification of officers may occur through Quorum at a General Society Meeting or by electronic ballot.

(c) Tally and Announcement of Results – A simple majority vote is necessary for election with two candidates and a plurality vote is necessary for election with three or more candidates for any elective office. As soon thereafter as practical, these results shall be published by mail electronic media or in the official Society bulletin.

Section 8. Installation – Officers shall assume their duties of office at 12:01 A.M. on January 1 and in accordance with the bylaws.


Article VIII

Section 1. General – This Society shall be governed by a Board of Directors, which shall have the powers of establishing certain policies, procedures, and practices for this Society as set forth in these Bylaws, and of proposing and ratifying amendments to these Bylaws.

Section 2. Meetings – The Board of Directors shall hold at least one (1) meeting monthly, and otherwise shall meet at the call of the Executive Chairperson. The Executive Chairperson shall call special meetings of the Board upon the request of one-third (1/3) of the members of the Board. All meetings of the Board shall be open to members and to other non-voting guests by invitation from the Executive Chairperson or Board of Directors.

Section 3. Quorum – Presence of two-thirds (2/3) of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for any meeting of the Board of Directors. Any member of the Board unable to attend may vote by mail, or appropriate electronic means, and such vote shall have full force and effect.

Section 4. Reports of Meetings – Reports of meetings of the Board of Directors may be made public, after ratified and amended at the next Board meeting.

Section 5. Minutes – Official minutes of meetings of the Board of Directors shall be archived for membership review for a period of at least one year.

Section 6. Board Advisory Committee – The Board of Directors can establish and appoint a Board Advisory Committee consisting of the Leaders of the Divisions and the Chairs of Board Appointed Committees in accordance with rules and procedures adopted by the Board of Directors.


Article X

Section 1.General – Board Appointed Divisions to promote specified activities or functions, and Special Committees to handle temporary activities, duties or functions of this Society, shall be created by, and shall be responsible to, the Board of Directors except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws.

Section 2. Personnel – Chairperson of all Board Appointed Committees, except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, shall be appointed by the Board of Directors for the current term of the managing Chairperson unless otherwise directed at the time of their appointment, all Chairpersons shall select the members of their respective committees and shall promptly report the names to the Board of Directors for approval.

Section 3. Organization – Each committee and division shall operate within the Society’s Bylaws and each Division shall also operate within the guidelines approved by the Board of Directors. All committees’ procedures and practices shall conform to and be consistent with the Bylaws, rules and regulations under which this Society operates. Operating procedures of the Finance Committee are set forth in part in these Bylaws

Section 4. Reports – All committees shall make such written reports of their activities as may be requested by the Board of Directors or by the Executive Chairperson, Executive Vice-Chairperson, or Secretary/Treasurer.


Article XI

Section 1. General – For purposes of assuring proper recognition of outstanding talents in and contributions to all fields of photography, and of service to the Society, this Society may create, establish, confer and perpetuate honors.

Section 2. Honors – The honors of this Society shall be: (a). Honorary Member, and (b). Honorary Fellow.

The Honorary Member and Honorary Fellow, unless revoked by the Board of Directors, shall be permanent.

Section 3. Proposals – Proposals for the Honors of this Society shall be by and to the Board of Directors.

Section 4. Honors Committee – An Honors Committee may be formed to be broadly representative of the interests and activities of this Society. It may consist of up to five (5) members in good standing. Members of the Honors Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Vice-Chairperson, with the approval of the Board of Directors, for a period of one (1) term of two (2) years. The Honors Committee shall elect its own Chairperson annually. Appointments to un-expired terms are made by the Executive Vice-Chairperson, with the approval of the Board of Directors.

Section 5. Procedures – Policies, practices, rules and regulations governing the awarding of the established honors shall be prepared by the Honors Committee, subject to review and approval by the Board of Directors as needed. The Honors Committee shall function subject to the following:

(a) Upon recommendation of the Honors Committee, a majority vote of the Board of Directors shall confer Honorary Memberships, in addition to any other such honors established in these Bylaws.

(b) Honors, except Honorary Memberships, shall only be conferred on members of this Society.

(C) No member of this Society shall be prevented from nominating any other member for honors in accordance with prescribed rules and regulations.

Section 6. Reports and Announcements – The Honors Committee shall report of its activities to the Board of Directors at least annually. Official announcement of honors conferred shall be published as soon as practical in the official Society Bulletin. In connection with conferred Honorary Memberships, official announcements shall cite the accomplishments of the recipients upon which the honors are based.


Article XII


Section 1. Bulletin – This Society may publish an official bulletin.

Section 2. Other Publications – The Board of Directors will authorize the issuance of all other official publications of this Society.

Section 3. Responsibility – Publications of this Society, or of any unit or division of the Society, shall be identified as to source and authority, and each publication, but not each issue of each publication, must be approved by the Board of Directors prior to distribution.


Article XIII

Section 1. General – All funds of this Society shall be held in the name of the Society, and except as may otherwise be provided shall be deposited in banks, which are members of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or placed with brokerage firms that are members of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation. Withdrawals, except as may otherwise be provided, shall require the signatures of any of the following corporate officers: Executive Chairperson, Executive Vice-Chairperson, Secretary/Treasurer, Facilities Chairperson, or Programs Chairperson.

Important Society documents shall be retained in a safe deposit box in the name of the Society and subject to access by any two (2) of the following officers: Executive Chairperson, Executive Vice-Chairperson, and Secretary/Treasurer.

Section 2. Investments – The Secretary/Treasurer with the concurrence of the Board of Directors may buy and sell securities consistent with the best interests of the Society.

Section 3. Insurance – All effort should be made for maintaining adequate insurance coverage for the Society.

Section 4. Budget – A budget covering Society operations shall be prepared annually under the direction of the Secretary/Treasurer. The budget, shall be submitted for Board of Directors approval at its November meeting unless otherwise provided. The approved budget shall serve to help guide management decisions throughout the applicable fiscal year.

Section 5. Audit – The Secretary/Treasurer upon request from the board shall arrange for the financial records of this Society and its operating units for audit.

Section 6. Fiscal Year – The fiscal year of this Society and its operating units shall run from January 1 through the following December 31 except as otherwise established by the Board of Directors.

Section 7. Taxes – The Secretary/Treasurer shall be responsible for the timely preparation of Federal, State and other taxes required by law.

Section 8. Reserves and Restricted Funds – Except as the Board of Directors may otherwise require, the Secretary/ Treasurer shall maintain full reserves for all unearned member dues, for any refundable program deposits and for contingency conference and meeting fees.

The Secretary/ Treasurer shall be responsible for ensuring that all funds pertaining to restricted accounts established by the Board of Directors are properly accounted for according to the terms of their approved governing documents.

Section 9. Appraisals – Annual appraisals shall be conducted for the Photographic Collection and other assets of this Society.

Section 10. Operations Manager – The Operations Manager shall be the supervising staff manager at all Society facilities and staff operations.

Section 11. Procedures – The Secretary/ Treasurer shall be responsible for establishing appropriate Society accounting procedures. Such procedures shall be consistent with generally accepted accounting principles.

Except for employees, of whom the Operations Manager is one, no non-member of the Society shall be permitted to handle Society funds.

Section 12. Reports – The Secretary/ Treasurer shall report to the Board of Directors at least annually on major Society operations and the status of Society investments, financial accounts and insurance coverage.


Article XIV

Section 1. General – No officer, official, member or employee of this Society shall commit this Society as a whole to any policy, agreement, responsibility, project, undertaking or expense without the approval of the Board of Directors.

Section 2. Publications, Presentations and Programs – Unless authorized by the Board of Directors, no member, committee, society member, may edit or issue any publication, presentation or program purporting to represent this Society.

Section 3. Delegation of Authority – With the approval of the Board of Directors, an elective officer of this Society may delegate a duty of his or her office to another officer, official, member or employee of this Society.


Article XV

Section 1. General – Final authority for the suspension and expulsion of members of this Society and for the recall of officers or officials shall rest with the Board of Directors.

Section 2. Petition – Any ten (10) or more members in good standing may petition the Board of Directors in writing for the recall of any officer of this Society, or for the recall of any official or for the suspension or expulsion of any member. Such petition shall be in writing and all signatures thereon shall be notarized. The petition shall be filed with the Executive Chairperson or Executive Vice-Chairperson as appropriate. The petition shall clearly state the grounds upon which it is based

Section 3. Due Process – Upon receipt by the Executive Chairperson or Executive Vice-Chairperson of a proper petition, duly signed and notarized, for recall, suspension or expulsion that officer shall immediately notify the Board of Directors and the Board shall forthwith appoint a committee to investigate the charges and to report within three (3) months after appointment. The investigating committee shall afford appropriate due process to the officer or member named in the petition for recall, suspension or expulsion, and that person shall have not less than sixty (60) days within which to respond to the petition and to make his or her defense known to the Committee. The member so charged shall have the right to have an attorney of his choice represent him or her in the matter, and to be heard fully before the committee reaches its decision. If the committee reaches a decision adverse to the member, the member shall have the right to appeal that decision to the full Board of Directors, and the member will be afforded appropriate due process to be heard and make defense, either in person or by an attorney of his or her choosing. After full hearing of the matter, the Board shall make its decision, but the decision to recall, suspend or expel the officer or member must be made by a vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the entire Board of Directors then serving in office. The decision of the Board shall be final. Petitioners and the member or officer charged shall be notified of the decision of the Board promptly by the Executive Chairperson or Executive Vice-Chairperson, as appropriate.

Section 4. Reinstatement – The Board of Directors shall have the right, upon reconsidering evidence or upon receipt of additional information, to reinstate any member suspended or expelled or any officer or official removed from office. A three-fourths (3/4) vote of the full Board shall be necessary for such reinstatement. The Executive Chairperson or Executive Vice-Chairperson as appropriate shall be promptly notified of any such action, and shall thereupon notify the affected individual.


Article XVI

The rules contained in the current edition of “Robert’s Rules of Order in Plain English” shall govern all in-person meetings of this Society, its Board of Directors, and Committee’s, and shall apply in all other cases in which these rules are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Bylaws of this Society.


Article XVII

Section 1. Directives – The Board of Directors shall have the right, to place into action the rules and procedures necessary for Society management and operations by directive declarations. All directives most comply with Bylaws, all local, state, and federal laws. Directives require a simple majority of quorum and must be ratified in a regularly scheduled board meeting or specially called meeting only if no protest is placed by any board member to the timing of the specially called meeting.


Article XVIII

Dissolution of this Society, when such action is taken by the Board of Directors, shall be carried out in accordance with the laws of the State of Arkansas in which the Society is incorporated. After paying or making provision for the payment of all Society obligations, and subject in all cases to applicable law, the remaining assets of the Society shall be disposed of to the Photographic Society of America or such organization or organizations selected by the Board of Directors as are operated exclusively for charitable or educational purposes and which at the time qualify as exempt under Section 501©(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding provision of any future Internal Revenue law, to be used to the extent reasonably possible for purposes consistent with or similar to the purposes of this Society.


Be it known to all that the above defined Bylaws of the Photographic Society of Northwest Arkansas are ratified with the approval of the Board of Directors and a quorum of members in general society meeting on November 3, 2015, and amended from the original bylaws by the Founding Board Members on October 24, 2002.

Founding Board Members – 2002

Executive Chair, Patrick Ward

Vice-Chair, E. Rick Cash

Sec\Treasurer, John Baltz

Mark Abram Catherine Baltz John Hamilton
Sarah Hamilton Michelle Ironside Nakole Neumier
Lucy Overstreet


Standing Board Members – 2015

Executive Chair, Sean Doyle

Vice-Chair, Ken Johnson

Sec\Treasurer, John Baltz

Bob Coleman Susan Boyd Myra Eichenberger
Jay Stout Stephen Ironside Chuck Davis
Kris Johnson Wendy Dunn Melissa Jones


Appendix A

Amendment Date
Article II

Section 2: Classes of Members: Added Studio Membership to classes of membership.

November 3, 2015
Article IV

Section 2: Privileges: Provides membership access to “electronic presence” of Society.

November 3, 2015
Article V
Membership Meetings

Section 1: Transaction of Business: Official business of this Society may be now be transacted by electronic media.

Section 4: Special Meetings: Added electronic media as a form of special Meeting.

Section 5: Bylaws and Incorporation: Added ability of General Membership to revise Articles of Incorporation.

November 3, 2015
Article VI

Officers, Board Members, Committees

Section 3: Board of Directors: Additional chairperson positions may be created by the Board of Directors as best serve the continuing needs of the Society.

November 3, 2015
Article VII

Section 1. General: Exhibits Chairperson will be elected on un-even years.

Section 4. Procedure: Publication of the slate of candidates will be published by mail or electronic media or in official bulletins of this Society prior to the election.

Section 5. Petition Nominations: Timeline for member petitions reduced from 5 months to 2 months.

Section 7. Contested Elections

 (b) Voting may occur by electronic ballot.

November 3, 2015
Article XII


Section 1. Bulletin – This Society may publish an official bulletin.


November 3, 2015
Article XVII

Section 1. Directives: Removed the requirement to post directives to the Bylaws.

November 3, 2015
Other revisions made throughout Bylaws:

  • Honors, Nominating, Finance and Facilities Committees made optional.
  • Elections Committee removed.
  • Timeline for committee actions and board reporting reduced in length and nature.
  • Modernized and corrected language, grammar and spelling.
November 3, 2015